The Left-Behind Village 留守窮鄉

The Left-Behind Village, Cenxi, Cenxi, Guan Xi province, China, is a city connects 3 major economical regions in Southern China: the Pearl River region, Hong Kong-Macau region, and the Great Southwest region. While the city's geography might provide economic advancement it also contributed to the problem of left-behind child in the rural area. As parents migrate to the city look for jobs for a better living, children were often left behind in the villages.

【留守窮鄉】廣西岑溪, 岑溪位於廣西東南部,與廣東省相連,是華南珠江三角洲、港澳地區與大西南經濟圈的一個重要連接點。岑溪盛產花崗岩,礦石豐富,有「花崗岩之都」之稱。從香港來到這裡,大概要7小時車程。但並不是所有人都可共享其天然資源和地利位置帶來的經濟成果,在岑溪垌偏遠的農村地區,便有不少父母離開家園,選擇到鄰近的城市謀生,遺下一群缺人照料的留守兒童。

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